If you ride a motorcycle, there is a very good chance you are curious as to whether you are required to wear a helmet or not. Though you should for your own safety, please continue reading to learn more about motorcycle laws in New Jersey. Here are some of the questions you may have:
What are New Jersey’s motorcycle helmet laws?
New Jersey’s motorcycle helmet laws are very clear. They state that whether you are a driver or a passenger, you are required to wear a helmet if you are on a motorcycle, and all those who drive motorcycles are also required to wear protective eyewear. That being said, when selecting a helmet, you must ensure that it satisfies the safety standards established by New Jersey’s Director of Motor Vehicles. The helmet must also have a chin or neck strap and be reflectorized on both sides.
What should I do if I am injured in a motorcycle accident?
If you are injured in a motorcycle accident or any type of auto accident, you should take several steps to help prove a future personal injury claim. They are as follows:
- First, call the police. Your health is paramount, and the police will send an ambulance to the scene of the accident.
- Second, ask the other driver for his or her insurance information.
- Third, ask anyone who saw your accident for their contact information, such as their name, phone number, and email address.
- Take pictures of any damage to your motorcycle, the other party’s vehicle, and any damaged property.
- Ensure you receive all medical documentation concerning your injuries once you are treated in a hospital.
- Retain the services of an experineced New Jersey personal injury attorney who can gather and present all additional evidence needed to prove your personal injury claim.
How long will I have to sue for an injury sustained in a motorcycle accident in New Jersey?
If you are injured in a motorcycle accident, you must file your personal injury claim within the state’s statute of limitations. Since the statute of limitations for personal injury claims in New Jersey is, generally, two years, you will, under most circumstances, have two years from the date of your accident to take legal action against the party responsible. We can begin the claims process on your behalf today–all you have to do is give us a call.
Stathis & Leonardis, LLC is an experienced personal injury law firm in Middlesex County, New Jersey that is committed to helping clients who have been hurt due to another party’s negligence. If you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident or were injured on another person’s property, please do not hesitate to contact our firm today.