gavel and man using calculator

While some accidents leave victims with only scrapes or bruises, others result in long-lasting injuries or even permanent disabilities. Some injuries require medical care that extends past the end date of a personal injury case. It is important that future medical expenses are accurately calculated to ensure the victim is awarded enough compensation to cover their associated costs. If you are dealing with a personal injury case and need to consider future costs in your settlement, you must obtain skilled legal representation. Speak with a Middlesex County personal injury lawyer to discuss your case today.

How Can Future Medical Expenses Be Calculated in a Personal Injury Case?

Future medical expenses can be calculated by looking ahead and creating a care plan. The plan will vary depending on the injury itself and how long it is expected for you to recover, if ever. The care plan will be created by a team of professionals and outline the changes you will need to make in your life, expected treatments, necessary care, and how you will continue functioning day to day despite your injury. Future medical expenses may include the following and more.

  • Surgery
  • Rehabilitation
  • Physical therapy
  • Therapy or counseling
  • Prescription medications
  • Medical supplies
  • In-home care
  • Assistive equipment

The above and more may be needed in the future. Creating a temporary or life-long care plan is crucial in outlining exactly what medical help you will need so you can calculate your expenses.

How to Prove Future Medical Expenses

After determining the amount that your future medical expenses will be, you must provide evidence to prove that the amount is accurate. Understandably, it is impossible to know with 100% certainty that the total is exactly the amount you will need for your future case but there are ways to explain how the number is the closest approximation possible.

The most compelling way to convince an insurance company or court of your future medical expenses is with expert testimony. Your doctor can explain your injury and its effect on your ability to function as well as the chances of recovering and the expected timeline to do so. They can offer information on the limitations your injury will impose on your life and testify about the care that you will need moving forward. Other medical professionals like home caregivers, mental health professionals, physical therapists, and more can all offer insight into what you will need.

Additional help will come from economic professionals. Understanding the care you will need is important but it is crucial that you have expert testimony to quantify the associated costs. Economists, accountants, financial analysts, and planners can all offer information explaining what certain needs will cost and why. They can also account for inflation if the injury is expected to be permanent or long-lasting and ensure everyone understands exactly why the future medical expenses add up to what they do.