
How Can I Avoid The Most Dangerous Types Of Car Accidents?

cars driving on dangerous road prone to accidents

Each year, there are over 500 fatal auto collisions in New Jersey. This is worrying, especially when so many car crashes are avoidable through safe driving practices. Are you a New Jersey driver who has wondered about the most dangerous types of car accidents in our state? No need to worry because our knowledgeable law firm has all the answers you’ll need! Read on to learn more about how you can avoid vehicle collisions, or speak to a Middlesex County, NJ Car Accident Attorney who can provide individualized legal counseling.


Studies have shown that off-the-road crashes are by far the most dangerous types of car accidents. These occur when a car accidentally drives off the road and into something else, such as a tree or telephone pole. Off-the-road crashes sadly make up 32% of car accident fatalities.

The second most dangerous types of car accidents are side-impact collisions. The reason why these are so dangerous is because side doors offer drivers and passengers the least amount of protection in the vehicle. This is why more car manufacturers are beginning to install airbags in car doors. 21% of all car accident fatalities are from side-impact collisions.


Unfortunately, not all auto collisions can be avoided. However, many car accidents are entirely preventable. Our law firm recommends practicing these safe driving habits:

  • Only drive when you’re sober and alert, and stop driving if you begin feeling drowsy or impaired
  • Keep a safe driving distance from other vehicles
  • Pay careful attention to other drivers on the road
  • Don’t use an electronic device while driving (except for emergencies)
  • Use proper traffic signals when appropriate
  • Follow the rules of the road
  • Try not to respond to angry drivers
  • Drive extra carefully in inclement weather conditions


Initially after a car accident, your auto insurance will be liable for covering your damages. This is because New Jersey is a no-fault state, meaning that each driver’s insurance is responsible for their own coverage no matter what led to the collision. However, you may be eligible for compensation if a negligent driver caused your accident. In the courtroom, negligence is when someone fails their duty of reasonable care to minimize harm to the general public. In other words, a negligent driver can be liable in court if they acted unsafely which directly caused the car accident. Speak with a lawyer to see if you are able to file a personal injury claim.

If you’ve recently been injured in a car accident caused by another driver’s negligent actions, you deserve a trustworthy and dedicated personal injury attorney who can help you to determine your best legal options moving forward. Thankfully, our highly experienced legal team is on your side every step of the way! Contact Stathis & Leonardis today for an initial consultation.

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