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If you have been injured in a car accident due to another party’s negligence, you will likely have to deal with insurance adjusters. It is important to know that insurance companies are not looking out for your best interests. In fact, these companies are notoriously sneaky and will work to avoid giving you the settlement you deserve. As a result, it is important to be prepared before speaking with insurance adjusters.

What to Know Before Speaking With Insurance Adjusters?

  • They will lowball you: An insurance company’s first settlement is oftentimes unfair and low, even if it does not seem so. That is why it is generally never a good idea to accept their first settlement if you have been injured.
  • They may downplay or deny your injuries: Often, they will minimize, or outright lie about the extent of your injuries, arguing that they do not have to include the cost of your medical bills in your settlement. That is why you need to keep meticulous records of all your doctor visits, medical documents, and follow-up treatment.
  • They might twist your words: Do not answer any questions asked by the insurance adjuster without the help of an attorney. They often twist words and conflate what you say to “prove” you do not need compensation.
  • Don’t go to their auto body shop: When it comes to repairing your car, go to your regular body shop–not the one the insurance company recommends. They likely have agreements worked out with these companies and will lowball your estimate.
  • They might ignore you: If your insurance company tries to ignore you after you deny their first offer, do not simply wait to hear from them. The statute of limitations for personal injury claims in New Jersey is generally two years. If you wait any longer than two years to sue, you will be barred from suing. They will often ignore you just so they can pass the statute of limitations.
  • Do not sign any documents without an attorney:  An experienced attorney will help you navigate all of the above issues. Additionally, insurance company documents often include fine print that can be overlooked or misinterpreted. This is why it is necessary to speak with a personal injury attorney before signing anything or accepting any offers.

If you have been injured due to another party’s negligence, contact our firm today to speak with a knowledgeable personal injury attorney.


Stathis & Leonardis, LLC is an experienced personal injury law firm in Middlesex County, New Jersey that is committed to helping clients who have been hurt due to another party’s negligence. If you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident or were injured on another person’s property, please do not hesitate to contact our firm today.