man working at car manufacturer

After being involved in a car accident, it is only natural for victims to wonder about their options for compensation. If a defect caused the accident, a common question that may be asked is whether or not it is possible to sue the car manufacturer. If you have questions regarding your legal rights and options after being involved in a car crash, reach out to an experienced Middlesex County auto accident attorney today.

What is Product Liability?

Product liability is an area of the law that dictates the legal responsibility of manufacturers and distributors for defects in their products. In terms of cars and other motor vehicles, manufacturers are responsible for ensuring the safety of their vehicles for commercial use.

When manufacturers do not take the required precautions and care when building their products, they can be held responsible for any ensuing accidents or injuries.

Can I Sue a Car Manufacturer if a Defect Caused My Accident?

If a defect in a car leads to an accident, victims may have grounds to file a lawsuit against the manufacturer under product liability laws. The manufacturer can be found liable for the accident if the following can be proven.

  1. Defect: There has to be an identifiable defect in the car like a faulty brake system, flawed steering mechanism, defective tires, etc.
  2. Negligence: The manufacturer’s negligence must have caused the defect. Whether it be an inherently flawed design, poor quality control, use of substandard materials, etc. their negligent behavior had to have contributed to the defect.
  3. Causation: It must be proven that the defect caused or contributed to the accident.
  4. Damages: The victim must have suffered losses due to the accident including medical expenses, loss of income, pain and suffering, property damage, and more.

You can only sue a car manufacturer after an accident if it can be proven that they were responsible for the defect.

Should I Hire a Lawyer When Pursuing Legal Action Against a Car Manufacturer?

Suing a car manufacturer, while possible, is often a daunting task. It can be difficult to prove with certainty that the defect even existed, let alone that it was caused by the manufacturer and contributed to the accident.

Manufacturers are often large companies with significant resources, meaning they can implement effective defenses to disprove your claims. Additionally, suing anyone involves a substantial amount of documentation, deadlines and statutes of limitations, and an often overwhelming amount of legal jargon.

It is always important to obtain representation when taking legal action against anyone, particularly a big corporation. Personal injury laws vary from state to state so reach out to a skilled attorney near you for legal assistance.