self driving car

Automotive engineers have been working toward a self-driving car that will completely eliminate the need for a driver behind the wheel. As of now, self-driving cars are not fully automotive and still require the intervention of drivers under certain circumstances. With this, self-driving car accidents are still reported to occur. Continue reading to learn what the common causes of self-driving car accidents are and how an experienced Middlesex County, NJ car accident attorney at Stathis & Leonardis, LLC can help you understand this.

What are the most common causes of self-driving car accidents?

The irony of self-driving cars is that human error can still get involved and ultimately cause an accident. Examples of such human error are as follows:

  • A car manufacturer fails to test mechanical parts for defects or malfunctions.
  • A car manufacturer fails to send timely recalls for faulty mechanical parts.
  • A software designer fails to test sensor systems for defects or malfunctions.
  • A software designer fails to send timely software updates for faulty technology.
  • A driver gets behind the wheel while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • A driver fails to take control of the vehicle and react to outside stimuli that the sensors cannot predict.
  • A driver sits in the passenger seat instead of the driver seat.
  • A driver is distracted while behind the wheel (i.e., sleeping, texting, eating, drinking, etc).

With all that being said, the possible at-fault parties for your self-driving car accident are a self-driving car manufacturer, software designer, operator, or even a combination of all three.

What is the statute of limitations for a car accident claim?

Regardless of who is the responsible party for your self-driving car accident, you must file a claim with their insurance company so that you can heal from your injuries and damages. However, if an insurance company does not give you the full financial compensation that you require, or if they deny your claim altogether, then you must turn to legal action.

More specifically, you can file a personal injury claim against the negligent party. Importantly, you will only have a small window of opportunity to bring forward your claim. This deadline, otherwise known as the statute of limitations, will be approximately two years from the date of your self-driving car accident.

Failure to file on time means that you will be permanently barred from suing. So to avoid missing this chance for monetary compensation, and overall justice, you must reach out to one of the skilled Middlesex County auto accident attorneys as soon as possible. We look forward to working alongside you.