shopping mall

If you are injured in a shopping mall, you may be owed compensation. A Middlesex County slip and fall accident attorney from our firm can listen to your story and let you know more about your legal options. If you got hurt because of someone else’s negligence, they should be held accountable.

What Hazards Can Be Found in a Shopping Mall?

A shopping mall is often a huge place with a variety of potential hazards. It’s the property owner’s responsibility to make sure that the area is as safe as possible. If a hazard cannot be addressed right away, then there needs to be some kind of warning. If no one takes safety seriously, then they are making the environment unsafe for employees, customers, and anyone else on the premises.

When a property is not cared for, there could be places to trip, places to fall, and even places where people can suffer serious head injuries. We have seen personal injury cases caused by hazards like:

  • Slippery floors
  • Overcrowded aisles
  • Falling merchandise
  • Inadequate security
  • Poorly lit parking lots
  • Damaged or uneven walking services
  • Missing or broken handrails in stairways
  • Snowy or ice conditions
  • Broken escalators or elevators

It is often the property owner’s job to address these matters. If they do not, they should be held accountable and sued for damages.

What Should I Do Right After Getting Hurt in a Shopping Mall?

It’s important to take the right steps after you get hurt in a shopping mall. Even if you feel like you are not seriously injured right now, you need to keep all options on the table. You should:

  • Take pictures of the place where the injury occurred
  • Ask to fill out a store incident report and get a copy of your own
  • Get contact info for any witnesses who saw your accident occur
  • Get medical care right away and keep any documentation, like bills

Should I Sue For Compensation?

If you believe that you were only injured because someone else did not take their responsibilities to maintain this property seriously, then you should sue for damages. You were owed a duty of care when you entered the shopping mall. As long as you did not go into any areas where you should not have been, you can file a personal injury case and fight to be reimbursed for costs of your accident including:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of earning potential
  • Loss of enjoyment
  • Pain from disability or disfigurement

Contact Our Law Firm

So if you have been injured in a shopping mall accident, know that you are not on your own. Contact Stathis & Leonardis to schedule a consultation with our team. We can tell you more about your legal options and what you can do to fight for fair compensation.