If you get into an accident and someone else is to blame, you might expect their insurance company to offer you a settlement that actually makes up for what you went through. Unfortunately, these situations rarely get settled so easily. If the insurance company gives you a lowball settlement offer, you have options. You can hire a Middlesex County personal injury attorney who is ready to fight for the compensation that you deserve.
Why Shouldn’t I Accept the First Offer From an Insurance Company?
It is usually a bad idea to accept the first offer from an insurance company. An insurer does the math when its customer is to blame for an accident and finds the least amount of money it thinks it can get away with paying the victim. The insurance company is not in the business of helping you. It’s trying to spend as little money as possible.
Naturally, it means that this first offer is almost always going to be a lowball offer. The insurer is hoping that the number looks big enough to you or that you do not understand the full scope of your injuries and what kinds of expenses you should be reimbursed for.
How Can I Build a Better Case Against an Insurance Company?
Once you receive a lowball settlement offer, you’ll want to make a counteroffer. This means that you have to build a case that shows how the insurance company’s policyholder caused the accident and that you are deserving of compensation. You can use evidence like:
- Pictures from the accident scene
- Testimony from witnesses who saw you get hurt
- Video footage of the accident
- A statement from your employer about how much work and pay you missed while recovering
- Medical bills
- Testimony from medical professionals about your mental health and future care needs
Do I Need a Personal Injury Attorney?
You are not required to hire a personal injury attorney, but a lawyer from our firm can do a lot to help you. They can help you gather evidence, build a strong case, and negotiate with the insurer for a fair compensation offer. They are also there to answer any legal questions that you may have.
The insurance company is sure to have its own lawyers at its disposal. You can make things more fair by hiring an experienced legal professional of your own. We will commit ourselves to fighting for the best possible outcome of your case.
Contact Our Law Firm
So if you think that the insurance company is not taking your injuries or suffering seriously, contact Stathis & Leonardis. We can offer you a case evaluation and tell you more about how a personal injury attorney can be of assistance in this difficult time.