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People ride bicycles all over New Jersey–whether it be for transportation, leisure, or exercise. However, bicycle riders are far more exposed to the elements than virtually all other commuters. This is why if you or someone you know has been involved in a bicycle accident, you must contact an experienced attorney to see if you are eligible to recover compensation for the injuries you have sustained.

How do I know if I qualify for financial compensation?

In order to recover compensation, you must first satisfy the burden of proof. Essentially, if you are able to prove another party’s negligence, there is a good chance you will satisfy the burden of proof and win your claim.

What are the different types of negligence?

Careless drivers behave as nobody should on the road. If you are injured due to another party who was behaving in any of the following ways, you will most likely be able to prove their negligence.

  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Reckless driving
  • The use of electronic devices that are not hands-free
  • Distracted driving
  • Drowsy driving
  • Carelessness behind the wheel

There are also certain things you can control when it comes to satisfying the burden of proof. For example, if you wear a GoPro or another type of camera on your helmet, you may be able to record the incident as it happened. This is probably the best means to prove another party’s negligence. However, if you were unable to record the incident or its aftermath, you may also consult any witnesses of the accident and request their contact information so they can verify your claim. Additionally, you should always seek medical treatment immediately after the accident occurred. You will need a medical professional to assist you with your injuries, and the documentation you receive regarding your injuries may also help you win your claim. After filing your claim, you must be extremely careful about what you post on social media. Insurance companies will do whatever they can to take away the compensation you deserve and will be monitoring your social media accounts. If you post something that contradicts your claim in any way, they may use it against you. For example, if you say you broke your arm, do not post a picture of you playing basketball. This may result in you losing out on compensation.

Contact our New Jersey firm

Stathis & Leonardis, LLC is an experienced personal injury law firm in Middlesex County, New Jersey that is committed to helping clients who have been hurt because of the negligence of another party. If you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident or were injured on another person’s property, contact our firm today.