Many people involved in car accidents make the mistake of not contacting the police and obtaining a police report. You may believe that your injuries and property damage are minor and there is no need to call the police as you have exchanged information. However, that is not the case. Regardless of the severity of the accident, if you have suffered injuries it is always crucial to call the police as they are a valuable resource of help. If you pursue legal action against another party, the police can survey the scene to determine the cause of the accident and who was responsible. If you have been injured in a car accident, you need to retain a trusted Middlesex County, NJ Car Accident Attorney who can help you seek the fair compensation you deserve. Keep reading to learn why it is crucial to call the police following a car accident in New Jersey.
Why is it so important to call the police after an accident in New Jersey?
In many states, drivers are legally required to call the police and file a police report after a car accident within a certain timeframe. If you were in a car accident that resulted in injury, death, or property damage of more than $500 in the state of New Jersey, you are legally required to report it to the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission Agency within 10 days of the collision. Failure to report the accident will result in serious penalties. If you do not call the police, you can file a police report yourself. However, there are various benefits to having the police at the scene of the accident including their ability to draft a police report. This is one of your first steps in documenting your accident claim.
Car accident victims have difficulty remembering critical details of the accident as they are still shell-shocked by the traumatic incident. When filing a police report after the accident, liability could be harder to determine. If you decide to take legal action against the other party, you will need to prove that their negligence directly caused your injuries. To preserve the accident scene, the police will redirect traffic. This will allow the responding officer to document your injuries and property damage, take witness statements, and interview all motorists involved. They can also help determine whether any parties involved violated a traffic law, causing the accident. Essentially, the responding officer will investigate the cause of the accident which can help determine fault.
If you have been injured in a car accident, contact Stathis & Leonardis today. Our firm is prepared to work tirelessly to help you reach a just outcome.